
Surveys and Social Media


January 29, 2014 by EmilyCRios

Chances are most people have filled out some sort of survey in their lifetime.  I have conducted paper surveys at a past job and gained some experience with online surveys and polls as an undergraduate studying journalism.


I chose to use SurveyMonkey to conduct my survey because it was the platform I am most familiar with. Since I am in a Master’s Program focused on social media and I am in the process of helping implement a social media  strategy at work it seems like the perfect topic for my survey.

Because there are so many social media sites available when I was writing my questions I wanted to see what sites people are using and how often. I also asked people to rank several social media sites in order from their favorite to least favorite in an attempt to gauge how people felt when comparing the sites to one another. I also asked where people are accessing sites from (Desktop, laptops, smartphones or tablets) and if they prefer accessing social media platforms through web browsers or apps.

I am curious to know how people access social media platforms because that may change how I go about presenting content.

Click here to take survey


8 thoughts on “Surveys and Social Media

  1. I really liked the ranking option that you used. It’s a great way to make people definitively choose which social media platform is their favorite. I think your questions encompass so many of the things that we have studied so far in the program, like which platforms are popular for which demographics and how people choose to visit their networks. So, it’ll be interesting to see your results!

    • EmilyCRios says:

      It has been really interesting to see how people rate the social media sites and it has really made me more interested in why different types of people are drawn to the different features each site offers.

  2. It’s always interesting to see how people feel about each social networking platform. It’s even more interesting to see “why” that network is their favorite. It’s important to find out which method people are most using when on social media. Like you said, it’s important to know this so we have a specific “device” that we should look to target more. Content is key, as we all know. Getting that content to be seen by the most people possible is the best way to boost our overall brand/self production. Should be intriguing to see each persons preferences on social media.

    • EmilyCRios says:

      It has definitely been interesting seeing each survey takers different preferences in regards to social media. The why responses are really giving me ideas in how to better implement social media strategies at work

  3. caseygrenet says:

    I think this a great topic to present to friends and family on Facebook. We are enveloped in the social world and know a lot about different social channels. I always love to see what people, who are not working in the social world, feel about different forms of social media. I also always love hearing which site is there favorite and why. I am excited to see your results for next weeks assignment!

    • EmilyCRios says:

      I am always curious to know why people like certain sites. I think this question is important for content creators because if you know why people are drawn to a certain social media site you can work on creating content that is geared towards that.

  4. Hi Emily!
    Great idea to ask about what platform survey participants use to look at social media! At my work, we are always looking at our mobile product to try and make sure our content is right where we want it. More and more, people are turning to mobile and it is our job as social media professionals to monitor that shift and what it means for content presentation.

    • EmilyCRios says:

      I think every brand needs to make sure that their content is appearing the way they want it to on mobile devices because smartphones and tablets are what people are carrying with them at all times to stay connected. My work website looks horrible when you try to access it from a smartphone web browser and that has definitely been something we are taking into account as we redesign.

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